I just wanted to commend your product. For the first time in her life, my 15-month old no longer has itchy rashes on her skin! She's really beautiful, and for the first time we can see her face because the rash from contact dermatitis (from the crib sheets) is gone! And the eczema on the rest of her body is slowly going away. Thanks again!
Dear Puraderm,
I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your products and your company. My 5 year old son has eczema and contact allergies. Your products have saved him from the frequent burning red rashes that he gets from regular laundry soap. Before I found you, I tried the "free" and "natural" brands out there, but they didn't solve the problem like your laundry soap does. I would also like to mention that your laundry soap works great in my front load machine and rinses out better than those "HE" detergents!
I cannot thank you enough for alleviating so much of the pain of my son's skin condition and allowing him to do everything all the other kids do!
Dear Puraderm,
Thank you for shipping my order so promptly.
I absolutely love the products. The Puraderm skin sealing wax is absolutely amazing – it is the first product that has calmed my skin right down leaving my skin “cool” and itch-free.
Before Puraderm, I had tried countless products and still itched like crazy particularly at nights. I have suffered the heartbreak of atopic eczema since childhood. I only have 2 regrets: 1) That you do not manufacture a moisturizer for the face and 2) I did not find this product sooner.
Thanks for a wonderful product line.
Hi . . .
I must admit that I really didn't believe that the use of your detergent and body wash would REALLY help . . . but a year later the contact eczema that covered 99% of me is virtually gone . . . And this in spite of having to share laundry facilities with 30 other people who probably use every other known detergent . . .
Thanks are hardly adequate for the wonderful change this has made in my life!
I have MCS and everything that I used seem to have an affect in one way or another on my skin. I found relief from my constant irritation when I started using your eczema products.